At the core of Soapbox Arts is the mission to make the art collecting process as transparent and accessible as possible. That means removing the barriers to traditional collecting that can be intimidating. That means clear and public pricing, upfront shipping costs for small works, payment plans available at any price point, and the ability to acquire dozens of original works and limited edition prints directly online.

This year we’ve been reminded of the other critical half of that equation: embracing art as a platform for community engagement and empowerment.

in an effort to financially support the vital work of people fighting for social and racial justice in the face of incessant threats & to highlight these important organizations & their efforts:

10% of all sales of works in this collection will benefit the BIPOC Urban Farm and Wholeness Center in Winooski, VT.

10% of all sales of works in this collection will benefit The Indigenous Peoples Power Project (IP3).

featured works

by vanessa compton