Cool FM

Cool FM


by Vanessa Compton

Collage, Acrylic, & Oil on Canvas

9” x 12”

Framed in Matte Black: 10.5” x 13.5” x 1.5”

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Artist’s Notes: Created for in literary collaboration with Duncan Birmingham ~

"A FaceTime session with our healer yielded an idea to record an album the proceeds of which would benefit the town. The sound, like us, would be a little bit country, a little bit rock ’n roll, a little bit primal scream therapy. We imported an all black wearing producer friend from the desert and instructed him to bring a U-Haul of ayahuasca. We reached out to the high school marching band, recruited the church choir and bribed the local barbershop quartet out of retirement for accompaniment. We wanted, no demanded, The Red Album be a group effort."

-Duncan Birmingham, excerpt from INTERLOPERS,